Dec 10, 2009


Coming THIS january. It is going to be epic. SOOOO....

Nov 23, 2009

Christmas already? YEP! Only at FRC.

I've been gone awhile. This is what I have been up to. :)

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Sep 9, 2009


Today I had to opportunity to sit in on the online conference "The Nines". My pastor was one of the speakers. What a great/free opportunity. Great speakers! You can learn more here

Hey so are you looking for something to do this weekend? Well, I have the answer for you!

Would love to see you this weekend at Flamingo Road Church!

Aug 17, 2009


I was really challenged this weekend with the message from Pastor Troy Gramling.
He spoke from 2 Chronicles 26

4 He did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, just as his father Amaziah had done. 5 He sought God during the days of Zechariah, who instructed him in the fear of God. As long as he sought the LORD, God gave him success.

I am really processing what it looks like to seek God and what success looks like. 
This is something I really want to strive after. 
Seek God first and:
-Success in my realtionship with God
-Success in ministry
-Success in relationships and friendships
-Success with my family

So here is to the journey and seeking God first!

Aug 14, 2009

Stage 4: Grasping For Salvation (bloggers book study)

I have to start with an apology. Due to my eye being the color and size of a ripe tomato, a trip to the urgent care, and a frantic search for insurance information across 3 cities my blog feel by the wayside. I apologize!!! Now lets get this thing on track:

  We are in Jim Collins book “How The Mighty Fall.” I read about stage 4 and grasping for salvation. This chapter is about how companies in their failing stages will grasp for anything that seems to bring help and a change to the company. Jim Collins, in this chapter, informs us that this can be disastrous.

HP was a booming and successful company but in the late 90’s it began to take a downward turn. In 98 they “hit a wall” so the existing CEO stepped down and was replaced by Carly Fiorina. “HP had hired the most powerful, glamorous, exciting, magnetic ,superstar female executive in the world” With the hire of Carly it created a media frenzy. “Carly Fever” was everywhere. She vowed a dramatic change for HP.

Meanwhile, IBM was facing struggles of its own. Louis V Herstner Jr. was brought in from the inside to lead out of this mess.  Herstner took a much different approach. His key priorities were restructuring the inside and making sure key people were on board. He studied where change was needed and attacked it. From an outsideres perspective it seemed as though he was doing nothing.

In this end the results were the exact opposite too; and where it really counted- with increased profitability for IBM and unsteady stock for HP. In 2005 Fiorina was let go from the company. Collins expresses that the firing was not solely her fault. She was exactly what the board wanted a quick dynamic outside fix. She was HP’s “silver bullet” Collins warns this can be destructive for any organization.

Collins used an example of when he was mountain climbing as a teenager. He began to fall and then his fear kicked in. He began grasping and let go of his anchor rope. This led to more danger (thankfully his instructor had his backup rope and saved him) Collins says this is what companies will do. In downturn they will grasp for anything.

Collins gives these statistics: 8 out of 11 fallen companies went for an outside CEO. Over 90% of CEOs that led from good to great where from the inside. Collins tells us to get back with a calm, clear headed and focused approach. “Breath. Calm yourself. Think. Focus. Aim. Take one shot at a time”

 Here are some markers for stage 4

- A series of silver bullets

- Grasping for a leader as savior

- Panic and haste

- Radical change revolution with fan fare

- Hype precedes results

- Initial upswing followed by disappointment

- Confusion and cynicism

- Chronic restructuring and erosion of financial strength


Be sure to check out Yoel’s blog as the book study rolls on.

Peace and love,


Aug 11, 2009

Found This In My Docs.

So I was just going through some of my docs on my wonderful little MacBook when I found this questionnaire thing I filled out not too long ago. We used it for our worship blog at Flamingo. Thought I would share it here:

Hometown: Miami, FL

Hobbies: Writing music, watching movies (the good ones), Doing anything outside, hanging and laughing with friends, meeting new people

Favorite Movie: Forrest Gump, Garden State, Office Space

Favorite Food: Sushi, Chipotle, Thai food, and the free kind

Favorite Book of the Bible: James

What are your strengths: encouragement, creativity, adaptability!!!

What are your weaknesses: I tend to be a bit un-organized and somewhat bad at administrative things (typical musician)

Favorite quote: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.”


What books have changed your life: The Bible; “Crazy Love” by Francis Chan; “Praise Habit” by David Crowder

What do you like the most about leading worship in your Campus: I love knowing God is using me to point people to Him. I love to watch people worship God with no fear and no inhibitions. TRULY AMAZING

Most shocking experience while leading worship: My first Sunday at the Doral campus I feel and broke my guitar. Thank goodness it was during rehearsal. I will NEVER forget that moment.

Favorite praise/worship song:

How He Loves Us -Jesus Culture

Mighty To Save -Hillsong

What gives you the greatest joy in being a leader: See people get it and begin to take initiative and lead on their own.  SO COOL!

Who made the biggest influence in your life as a worship pastor: Dr. Marvin McKisick (one of my professors from college who helped me fall in love with ALL types of music and using it to worship God) Matt Benson (a worship pastor I worked for who truly lived a life of worship)

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: singing and playing my heart out for Jesus (hopefully way better at guitar and piano… day by day J)

Aug 6, 2009

Like Music? Like Coffee? Me too!

So this Friday I have the opportunity to open for one of the best local bands here in South Florida "Sirens and Sealions"! For real they are awesome. Come on over and check them out. We would love to see you. 

Top 5 reasons to come Friday
5. You will probably here some music you'll enjoy
4. (If you are single) You might just meet the girl/guy of your dreams :)
3. (If you are taken) Great date night. 
2. Coffee. Duh. Or tea if you like.
1. You'll see a girl playing a paint brush/canvas (trust me it's AWESOME)

See you there. Might even buy you a cup of coffee. 


Aug 3, 2009

Weekend Round-Up

This was a great weekend for me and the Doral campus. I really feel God is teaching me some big lessons. Sometimes these lessons are hard to learn and they will break you down a little. But, they are so needed and helpful in the end. I hope God never stops teaching me and that I will never stop learning. 

The weekend started with an awesome outreach evening at Starbucks we had an awesome band and handed out hundrends of cards and flyers and gave away tons of coffee. Here are a few pics curtesy of Yoel Torres. You can see the rest of these pics and so many awesome shots here.
What a beautiful sky!

The VERY talented MO!

Then on Sunday we had a blast at Doral. TheRUSH (our awesome student ministry) had an amazing event "box ur sox off". Not to mention 7 kids excepted Christ that day. So very cool and exciting! 
David and Ian in the ring!

For Sunday we had a great set. The songs included: 
-En Los Montes, En Los Valles- Marcos Witt
-Majestic- Lincoln Brewster
-Hosanna- Hillsong
-Enough- BarlowGirl Version
-Here I Am To Worship- Tim Hughes 
(not gonna lie this was one of my favorite sets to date with all the diversity) 
The band was sick and nailed each tune! 
Rafael leading 

When all was said and done I went home and took and LONG nap. What a great weekend. I can't wait till the next.
Peace and Love, 

David and I.

Jul 30, 2009

This Weekend ONLY in Doral!

So I wanted to send a little blog love to my wonderful FRC campus in Doral, Fl There are so many exciting things going on at the campus and around the city

1. We have an event at Starbucks on 41st street. From 7-9 if you tell the barista you're with Flamingo: Doral you will get your order for FREE. Anything you want! Is that not stinkin' awesome! AND we will have live music brought to you by the Tinoco Trio. These guys are incredible. Jazz, pop, latin they might throw in a little Brittny if you ask. So Stop by this friday at 7pm. I'll be there hanging out and singing along with the guys.
Hope to see you there!

So this Sunday we have a knock out of a day planned! You have never seen church like this before. Our students aka "the RUSH" are putting on an event including a boxing ring and video game challenges. With live music and skate demos. So come and "box your sox off"


Jul 28, 2009

Getting Things Done Chapters 9 & 10

Well welcome back to the bloggers book study. Today we continue our study of “Getting Things Done” by David Allen. First, I would like to say a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the best dad in the world. Have a great day dad!


When I was in college my favorite assignment was always when the professor made us do a chapter outline. And, because one of the tools Mr. Allen tells us to use is an outline I thought it would be cool to go through the chapters in that style. So let’s get to it!

I. Doing: Making the Best Action Choices (chapter 9)

A. The Four Criteria Model for Choosing Actions in the Moment

1. Context- organize your day based on what you can get done and where you can get it done successfuly 

2. Time Available- organize tasks to be done by how much time you have to complete them. A watch and calender will be very helpful in this case

3. Energy Available- know what tasks require what amount of energy. Plan execution accordingly 

4. Priority- list out tasks according to their importance level

B. The Threefold model for evaluating daily work

1. Doing pre-defined work 

2. Doing work as it shows up 

3. Defining your work 

C. The Six-Level Model for Reviewing Your Own Work

1. 50,000 feet: Life- why are you put on earth? what is your meaning or purpose?

2. 40,000 feet: three to five year visions- what do you want to accomplish? What can you      see yourself doing?

3. 30,000 feet: one to Two year goals- what are the steps I am taking to get there?

4. 20,000 feet: areas of responsibility- has a lot to do with the current state of things

 5. 10,000 feet: current projects- am I staying organized? am I "getting things done?

 6. Runway: current actions

II. Getting Projects Under Control (chapter 10)

A. The need for informal planning

1. This can be very important before and during a project

2. Most people do not need a high level elaborate organization

B. Which projects should you plan (2 types that deserve planning activity)

1. Those that have your attention even after you’ve determined their actions

2. Those where potentially helpful ideas can occur in the midst of the project

C. Planning Steps

1. Brainstorming- you need to decide where and how you will do this. Always write down your ideas

2. Organizing- get ideas into categories. This step will help you follow through

3. Setting up meetings- get the RIGHT people involved

4. Gathering information- after all these steps you might need to gather more data to help you plan

D. Random Project Thinking

1. Make lists of ideas as they come. Always be writing.

2. “Don’t loose any ideas about your project that could be potentially helpful”

E. Tools and Structures that Support Project Thinking

1. Writing Tools- always keep good writing tools close at hand

a. Paper pad

b. White board/ easel

c. Computer

F. Supportive Structure- You need to know how to structure and outline what you write

1. Create a file system- if you have folders organized and assigned you will want to use them more

2. Soft wear tools- use digital outlining. A word processor can help facilitate this

3. Brainstorming application- learn how to “map out” and carefully write down why you have thought out

-“The key is to get comfortable using your ideas” (pg 222)

I really enjoyed these two chapters. There are SO many applications for ministry in here. My over all break down is chapter 9 is a lot more cognitive. All about the way we need to re-structure our thinking about life and goals all together. Chapter 10 is more practical The “how to” and tools we might need. I think there is A LOT of info here and a lot to take in. Here is something you can do today: think out or make a list of your life work. Look at the different levels and evaluate where you are and where you would like to go.

Go ahead try it…


Tomorrow Yoel will bring us chapter 11



Jul 12, 2009

Crazy Love Chapters 1 & 2

Well hey everyone hope you all had a fantastic weekend. I know I did. Welcome to my blog and welcome to the second book of the “Bloggers Book Study” Crazy Love by Francis Chan. I will be discussing the first two chapters. Chan states in the preface that he uses the first three chapters to lay a foundation. He also warns us that this journey we are about to take will not be painless and that we will “have a choice: to adjust how you live daily or to stay the same.”

So here we go….

Chapter 1- “Stop Praying”

Chan asks us right out of the gate to just be quite. To just sit in revel in the glory of God. He tells us that the wise man comes to God and while being quite stands in awe of Him and what he has done. (This book also has online video companions… Chan sends us here to watch the video called the “Awe Factor”)

Chan goes on to describe how utterly creative and masterful God is. He tells us of the many incredible works of His hand. He continues on to tell that even though God is so glorious our society has cheapened if not discounted the glory and majesty of him. I LOVE this line from the chapter: “But know this: God will not be tolerated. He instructs us to worship and fear Him.” Chan describes something he calls “spiritual amnesia”, many of know that we are to love God, we have all seen the pictures and read the stories… We just forget. So Chan gets to the meat of the chapter explaining who God is.

God is holy. “We don’t get to decide who God is. God said to Moses, ‘I am who I am” (Ex 3:14) He is perfectly set apart.

God is eternal. “He has always been since there was an earth, a universe, or even angels. God exists outside of time and since we are within time there is no way we will ever totally grasp that concept” This is frustrating. But it is so comforting that our mind “the size of a soda can” cannot box God in.

God is all-knowing. Each of us can fool our friends and family about who we really are but we could never do this with God. He knows each of us. This knowledge led David, of the Bible, to worship. Ex. Psalm 139. “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight.” Chan also says this “He does not have to know us so well, but he chooses to.” (Don’t really know if I agree with that or not… hmmm)

God is all- powerful. God is also this only being who is truly good and he sets all standards. He is the one by which all things were made

Chan finishes up the chapter by describing what is to be in the presence of God and why it is necessary and asks you to sit and be silent and think on all God is.


Chapter 2- “You Might Not Finish This Chapter”

(I really like this chapter)

Chan tells us that at any moment our lives could end; but we rarely think about this, rather we live our lives caught up in ourselves. “On an average day we don’t consider God very much.” We forget that our life is a vapor.

Justified Stress- Chan tells us of heart palpitations he suffered with at one point in his life. How he kept ignoring them and the stress kept building. One night he totally and completely surrendered his worries and problems to God and his condition gradually got better. He earlier justified the condition because he was a “stressed person” Chan then tells he realized the meaning of the verse “Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS”. God commands us to always rejoice. Chan stopped being a stressed and worried person because… (I like this)

worry- “implies that we don’t quite trust that God is big enough, powerful enough, or loving enough to take care of what’s happening in our lives”

stress- “says that the things we are involved with are important enough to merit impatience, or lack of grace towards others, or tight grip of control”

Chan states that no matter where we find our self our job is to bring him glory. “The point of life is to point to him.”

Thank God We Are Weak- In this section Chan reminds us that God IS in control and to be thankful that we are weak and He is strong.

Are You Ready?-  Life is so short and can end at any moment. The question is are you ready? Chan goes on to tell about a 14 year old girl, Brooke, who passed away in a car accident. Brooke was a student who lived a life of joy and faithfulness. At her funeral there were thousands of students and hundreds gave their lives to Christ. 

I love how he ends this chapter. "Don't let yourself forget. Soak it in and keep remembering that it is true. He is everything."


I really enjoyed these two chapters. Here are some discussion questions:

-Do you stop to see the glory and majesty of God? Where? When?

-Do you think it is helpful to know WHO God is?

-What are your thoughts on stress and worry as a Christian? Is there room for them?

Oh PS... You can get the audio version of this book for free here. And don't forget to check out Yoel's blog; he will be going over chapter 3 & 4.

Peace and Love


Jul 1, 2009

The Many Faces

Here are a few of my favorite singing photos captured. Enjoy the ridiculous expressions of Genie Mo.
     Why does it look like it hurts to sing? wow!


     I'm gonna gitcha. 

             I love this song. YIPEEE!

   And my fave... The popular "Fish Face"

Jun 30, 2009

I Heart Rainy Days

It's summer time here in South Florida and you know what that means- Rainy Summer Days! We have a group of worship interns here at Flamingo Road Church from out of state that are in shock by the rain. "I though this was the sunshine state" one said. I don't know why but I stinkin' love the rain. Maybe cause it gives my car a nice wash but something about it make me want to create; write songs, paint (which I can't). It just makes me happy. Just knowing what God is doing through the rain, He is bringing life and restoration through it. Hmmm... maybe this is a spiritual application. Are you letting God bring rain in to restore and bring life to you? Just a thought.

Oh also the book study continues check out Barby Ward's blog. Awesome discussion on "Courageous Leadership"

Paz y amor!

Jun 29, 2009

It's About Time!

OK OK. STOP JUDGING ME. I'm back and and ready to B L O G.
Today we are starting a bloggers book study. What is a bloggers book study you ask... Well one blogger takes a chapter from a book and reads and blogs about it. A very cool concept. I am doing this with some fellow staff members at Flamingo Road Church if you're interested you can see the first post at my buddy Heredes's blog

Feb 26, 2009

Lint?... no LENT!

So this year I am going to observe Lent. 1. By giving up something 2. By setting aside time everyday to read scripture and study about the life of Christ. I did a little research on Lent. It is observed the 40 days before Easter. The 6 Sunday’s during lent are not observed and are seen as a mini-celebration (or a mini-Easter) to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. I was not raised nor do I practice an orthodox Christianity but I just think it is so neat to physically and mentally be reminded of the ministry, life, death, and resurrection of Christ. There is a Lent reading plan on that I will be following. Thought it would be neat to jot down some scripture that grabs me during these next days. So happy Lent everyone!

You’re blessed when you get your inside- your mind and heart- put right. Then you can see God in the outside world
Matt 4:8 (the message)

In a word, what I’m saying is grow up! You’re kingdom subjects. Now live like it. Live out your God-created identity. Live generously and graciously toward others the way God lives toward you.
Matt 4:48 (the message)

Feb 5, 2009


Today on a whim I decided to go back to my high school. I visited with my old choir teacher and my voice teacher. They look and sound great. We talked about how the choirs are doing and all the exciting things they are up to. I filled them in on my life and what I have been up to in the last 5+ years. It was so great seeing them! I was such a HUGE choir nerd back in the day and these women were amazing teachers as well as role models. I also chatted a bit with my principle. I love that guy. (I was always one of his favorites hahaha!) He is a man of God who really holds firm to what he believes. No compromise. What you see is what you get. Then to top it all off I talked a bit with my senior year English teacher, Mr. Safreed. What a strange, interesting man. He's about 5' tall but his personality doubles him in size. The man is absolutely passionate about what he does. I HATED English but my senior year it was my favorite class. I couldn't wait to get to class... (that is saying a lot) He makes all of his seniors write a letter to them selfs and then mails it out 5 years later. I received mine about 6 months ago. I laughed at first about how ridiculous i was back then. I said I hope to be married with kids on the way... ummm... yeah but then I read something cool. It was about music and how passionate I was about it even then. God has been so faithful. He has grown me so much since I was 18 and thank goodness he isn't done yet. I loved going back and seeing the teachers who have helped shape and mold me. What wonderful people God has placed in my journey! Thank you teachers and coaches from Florida Christian. Thank you to all teachers for that matter. Your job is hard and over looked but oh-so vital in each and EVERY life. God has a special calling on your life thanks for being obedient and VERY VERY patient!

Feb 4, 2009


I'm on Twitter are you? My mom just got a facebook account. She is pretty much rocking at it. I think that's pretty cool! What are your thoughts on all this social networking. Are we forcing too many "fake" relationships? Are we pretending to be something we're not? hmmm? I'm not sure my thoughts on all of this...

Jan 9, 2009

Relationship... with him (or her)

I am reading a book right now that is so completely stirring me. I am not even half way through it and I am finding every time I put it down I am consumed in thought about it and what it is saying. The book is a work of fiction that I have heard a lot about- a lot of controversy and a lot of opinion. Now to be honest a lot of what this book is saying freaks me out and is hard to wrap my head around but one thing I am really grasping is the idea that God is a relational being. He or she (you would get this if you have read it) is not waiting for us to have it figured out. He is not waiting for us to “make the right choices” He is just there. Always has been and always will be. He is there in those times of utter darkness and loneliness, in times of joy and success. He is always with us. In relationship with us. But to be honest it upsets me that I don’t and can’t fully grasp this. It infuriates me actually. Those times that I yell out to God “where are you in this?” I really don’t know where I stand in all of this. I just know that I have never really thought of God like this before. To be absolutely honest I have spent my whole Christian life acting like I have it “figured out” but I declare it here… I don’t! I just want to know what it is to be fully and completely in love with God. And to know that He is fully and completely in love with me. The book is “The Shack” it is beautifully written. I highly recommend it! Please keep in mind this is a work of fiction. But I think it will stir in you the idea of truly being in relationship with God and what that looks like and how our lives would be so much different when we are absolutely consumed with the love of Him (or Her) ☺ if you have read this let me know your thoughts. Oh read “Sex God” too another great book on the idea of our relational God.